
Here are some preliminary informations. More content will follow.

Since spring 2024 our club started to offer Volleyball. We have a very large and alive WhatsApp group, which helps to connect people and to offer possibilities to play indoor as well as outdoor or Beachvolleyball. The website content is not ready yet. But we already offer various possibilities to play. Actually mostly at weekends, Saturday plus Sunday, but we will expand our offer regularly, and soon will be able to offer to play on weekdays in the evening.

We already have 170 players, who have entered our WhatsApp group and play regular. The group is growing continuously. 

A special detail: we bring people from about 65 countries together, from every continent of this planet (except Antarctica so far 😉) to play this wonderful sport together. Play sport is better than to make war. The motto of our club: "ONE CLUB. ALL NATIONS"


Currently we ask all interested people to register at Takeactive, that is the app, we use in the club to organise the players and to offer events and play time. 

Every newly registering person gets 5 coins to use for registering to play and try out. After using up these coins please decide wether you wanna join the club or not. Please apply online, if you wanna become a member.


Important, a new and modern version for participating: Everybody who is interested to play from time to time has the possibility for "pay to play". Just paying 21 Euro and getting 7 fresh coins to play. If you prefer this way, let us know. We accept paypal payments. Mention "Volleyball pay to play". Thats for people, who do not want to join any club because of may be a phobic relation to club memberships or organisations or subscriptions.


For our future members: The monthly membership fee is 7 € for a standard member, and 5 € for students <30 y., or retired or jobless people. Unlimited play. 

A short explanation, why we need to collect membership fees, and what they are needed for.. 

We as a sport club are organised under the roof of certain umbrella organisations. And we have to pay fees to these umbrella organisations. Furthermore for the equipment, posts, nets, balls, training equipment, pumps, etc. More costs for insurances, website/hosting, the takeactive app (monthly subscription), the club administration software (yearly subscription). Costs for additional keys to open the gyms.

The big advantage, being organized under the roof of the German Volleyball association: we can nominate teams to play in various leagues of Berlin. 

And for you to compare: if you would have to rent a court, the costs would be much higher. Only registered sport clubs of Berlin have the privilege to apply for gym time in state owned gyms (of the Berlin schools) without having to pay any fees, which is a very nice gesture from the city of Berlin and helps to keep the cost down. Even no fees to pay for the usage of electricity or warm water (showering). And the TOTO-LOTTO organisation of Berlin pays 50% of the insurance cost. 

And the organisers work for free, the club presidents as well as the various key persons.

Only thanks to TOTO-LOTTO and the city of Berlin, and the people working as volunteers the membership fees are relatively low.